Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Only 18 Days Left!

A photo op that we could not pass up
Motown Madness on the move- Quebec style
Awesome Halloween display in Quebec
Bryan, Melanie and I took a day trip to Quebec City to cross off one more international trip. We only had about 3 hours there after a lightning strike turned into a plane change. Bryan seems to be the common denominator in all of our travel mishaps and he really needs to pull it together if we are going to win this thing :) Quebec was a beautiful city with a charming, European feel. We picked up our clue at Auberge du Tresor and met some nice people who actually asked for our blog info! Now our blog has officially gone worldwide- well sort of. I always love to see how people react when they ask what we are doing. We usually get blank stares, looks of amazement or looks of suspicion from Customs and Immigration. "How long are you staying in Canada?"...."um...4 hours" ....and then I hold my breath and hope for entry into the country. We have to remember that flying somewhere like Singapore for 5 hours or DC for 1 hour or New Orleans for 2 hours is not normal to most people. Sometimes, we have to stop and remember how lucky we are to have these awesome opportunities and benefits...and even better to be able to take advantage of them. Well we have to map out which clues are next. Good luck to all the teams in the final stretch!!

Our clue in Quebec City

1 comment:

  1. I was glad to be part of your adventure. I will check back here to see how everything turns out. All the best from your Quebec City Photographer!
