Friday, October 15, 2010

More Photo Fun

Brussels, Belgium
Frankfurt, Germany
Istanbul, Turkey
Nevada/Arizona border at Hoover Dam
Bryan takes cover with "Mr. Allow Me"
Checking the time at the astronomical clock- Prague, Czech Republic
Bryan in the hands of the Fremont Troll- Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Only 18 Days Left!

A photo op that we could not pass up
Motown Madness on the move- Quebec style
Awesome Halloween display in Quebec
Bryan, Melanie and I took a day trip to Quebec City to cross off one more international trip. We only had about 3 hours there after a lightning strike turned into a plane change. Bryan seems to be the common denominator in all of our travel mishaps and he really needs to pull it together if we are going to win this thing :) Quebec was a beautiful city with a charming, European feel. We picked up our clue at Auberge du Tresor and met some nice people who actually asked for our blog info! Now our blog has officially gone worldwide- well sort of. I always love to see how people react when they ask what we are doing. We usually get blank stares, looks of amazement or looks of suspicion from Customs and Immigration. "How long are you staying in Canada?"...."um...4 hours" ....and then I hold my breath and hope for entry into the country. We have to remember that flying somewhere like Singapore for 5 hours or DC for 1 hour or New Orleans for 2 hours is not normal to most people. Sometimes, we have to stop and remember how lucky we are to have these awesome opportunities and benefits...and even better to be able to take advantage of them. Well we have to map out which clues are next. Good luck to all the teams in the final stretch!!

Our clue in Quebec City

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Photo Fun

In honor of our 2009 teammate Anna! She didn't make the cut this year, but still came along to Asia with us. Sorry Anna- don't be discouraged- there's always next year...LOL! Notice that I am a victim of the typhoon drenched from head to toe!
It only took the cab driver about 10 tries to get this picture right.
Nashville, TN
Bryan still missed the flight...even after he dove into the gate!
Why wasn't this a clue? A mechanical whale!
Grabbing a clue on Bourbon St- New Orleans
Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque
My favorite city- Washington DC!! We spent an entire hour there :(

Monday, October 11, 2010

Are we still on the move???

Of course we are...the Motown Madness never stops. Where have we been since our last blog post? I can't even keep up, but I know what we have left. Our goal is to of course complete all 100 clues, but it's going to be tough. We've had some great adventures over the past few weeks and I'm sure there are many similar stories out there from our competitors. Everything from getting stuck in ORF and BNA to the balloon fiesta in ABQ and a mechanical whale ride on Bourbon Street in MSY. The travel schedule is rough, but we can't quit in the final stretch. Well it's off for now....we have to figure out how to get TLV, DXB, MGA, SJU and BCN in 1 day. It has to be possible, right?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Typhoon Fanapi didn't stop us, but now what?

We haven't updated our blog in a little while because 4 of us have been overseas for the past week. Bryan and Laura have been taking Europe by storm while Melanie and I are currently caught in a storm of our own. We were greeted by a Typhoon warning when we arrived in Hong Kong yesterday and are currently in a heightened state of alert for torrential rain and high winds. Do we get bonus points for a picture in the middle of a tropical cyclone? We have one more clue here and we are U.S. bound...hopefully! Non Rev travel on an island during a typhoon is just another check on the bucket list I suppose. Wish us luck and safe travels to all of the other teams out there...word to the Hong Kong until next month!
No better place to find someone in traditional geisha dress than Tokyo!
Fuji Television Tower
The trip centered around participating in Relay for Life- Chiba, Japan
Norman Picture!
Norman Picture!

We found a Family Mart!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

DTW on track to win :)

Still going....
We picked up 5 clues over the weekend including a couple of Non Rev Norman clues. Melanie ventured across the country on her own for a quick pic and another night was spent in an airport. She even ran into another team in her travels. I'm impressed with the dedication of my team and the competitive spirit that they all have. We are definitely going to win this! We are splitting up this week to cover Asia and Europe before creating our October game plan. GO DTW!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Non Stop

Our team is literally non-stop...Bryan is finally coming home after getting 1 more clue today. Now the rest of us have to decide where we are going over the next 2 days. Our goal is to have 25 completed by Monday!

Bryan finally eating at the Buckhorn Exchange after a loooooooong night!