Monday, September 20, 2010

Typhoon Fanapi didn't stop us, but now what?

We haven't updated our blog in a little while because 4 of us have been overseas for the past week. Bryan and Laura have been taking Europe by storm while Melanie and I are currently caught in a storm of our own. We were greeted by a Typhoon warning when we arrived in Hong Kong yesterday and are currently in a heightened state of alert for torrential rain and high winds. Do we get bonus points for a picture in the middle of a tropical cyclone? We have one more clue here and we are U.S. bound...hopefully! Non Rev travel on an island during a typhoon is just another check on the bucket list I suppose. Wish us luck and safe travels to all of the other teams out there...word to the Hong Kong until next month!
No better place to find someone in traditional geisha dress than Tokyo!
Fuji Television Tower
The trip centered around participating in Relay for Life- Chiba, Japan
Norman Picture!
Norman Picture!

We found a Family Mart!

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