Monday, September 20, 2010

Typhoon Fanapi didn't stop us, but now what?

We haven't updated our blog in a little while because 4 of us have been overseas for the past week. Bryan and Laura have been taking Europe by storm while Melanie and I are currently caught in a storm of our own. We were greeted by a Typhoon warning when we arrived in Hong Kong yesterday and are currently in a heightened state of alert for torrential rain and high winds. Do we get bonus points for a picture in the middle of a tropical cyclone? We have one more clue here and we are U.S. bound...hopefully! Non Rev travel on an island during a typhoon is just another check on the bucket list I suppose. Wish us luck and safe travels to all of the other teams out there...word to the Hong Kong until next month!
No better place to find someone in traditional geisha dress than Tokyo!
Fuji Television Tower
The trip centered around participating in Relay for Life- Chiba, Japan
Norman Picture!
Norman Picture!

We found a Family Mart!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

DTW on track to win :)

Still going....
We picked up 5 clues over the weekend including a couple of Non Rev Norman clues. Melanie ventured across the country on her own for a quick pic and another night was spent in an airport. She even ran into another team in her travels. I'm impressed with the dedication of my team and the competitive spirit that they all have. We are definitely going to win this! We are splitting up this week to cover Asia and Europe before creating our October game plan. GO DTW!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Non Stop

Our team is literally non-stop...Bryan is finally coming home after getting 1 more clue today. Now the rest of us have to decide where we are going over the next 2 days. Our goal is to have 25 completed by Monday!

Bryan finally eating at the Buckhorn Exchange after a loooooooong night!

In it to win it!

3 more clues checked off today as Bryan and Paul traveled across the country on a day trip. Bryan didn't stop there though...poor guy is currently sleeping in the DEN airport awaiting another day of travel tomorrow. The rest of us have some time off this weekend so there's no telling where we'll end up. If we can get 25 clues done by the end of the weekend I think we will be in good shape! DTW is definitely going to win this!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Great adventures...

Apparently, Ohio has a lot of World travelers :) It is the Heart of it ALL!
Looked like a cute town- too bad we couldn't stay for more than 3 minutes...LOL
We saw much of the 48 hours!
One of my favorite cities- Chicago! What a view...
Really? Moustaches? Thanks Non Rev Planning Team!! :)
Another beautiful view from the Duquesne Incline!
Looks like a great city...too bad we couldn't stay more than a few least we had a meal here.
We rode on this- so cool!

Completing a Norman Clue pretty close to home...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

9 pictures down and 91 to go!

In the first 4 days our team went through 10 states, picked up 9 clues and 169 points total so far. We experienced many new places, even if only for a few minutes :) Some of the highlights were the Willis Tower and Sky Deck, the Duquesne Incline and getting in touch with our French side while walking amongst the Topiary people (with our fake moustaches of course). Churchill Downs was a blur for me and Melanie as we were quite delirious with exhaustion at the time. Bryan felt the pains of a Non Rev as he took a triple connection to get home after being stuck- a CMH connection saved him. Well we are now busy planning this weekend's adventure as Paul and Bryan head out east for a clue and then jump over the little pond for another. Meanwhile, the rest of us are trying to figure out how many cities we can get to in 1 day. Happy travels everyone!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here we go...

So it is day number one and we already checked 2 clues off of our list thanks to Bryan's enthusiasm to get things going. This weekend will be quite an adventure as 3 of us hit 8 cities in just 2 days. That's what this is all about, right? Adventure, adventure, adventure!!! We're looking forward to this year's challenge and excited to follow all of the other teams. Good luck to all, but you know you can't beat DTW :)