Sunday, September 5, 2010

9 pictures down and 91 to go!

In the first 4 days our team went through 10 states, picked up 9 clues and 169 points total so far. We experienced many new places, even if only for a few minutes :) Some of the highlights were the Willis Tower and Sky Deck, the Duquesne Incline and getting in touch with our French side while walking amongst the Topiary people (with our fake moustaches of course). Churchill Downs was a blur for me and Melanie as we were quite delirious with exhaustion at the time. Bryan felt the pains of a Non Rev as he took a triple connection to get home after being stuck- a CMH connection saved him. Well we are now busy planning this weekend's adventure as Paul and Bryan head out east for a clue and then jump over the little pond for another. Meanwhile, the rest of us are trying to figure out how many cities we can get to in 1 day. Happy travels everyone!

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